Follow the video to install the driver and run it for the first time.
Make sure it's communicating and click GETUSER BEFORE you make any
Save your settings to a default file so you can come back to it.
Do not keep saving the same file name, you want to be able to revert back
to a previous file if you mess something up. Name them incrementally Blueray1,
Blueray2, etc.
My default file is particular to MY helicopter, Your Endpoints and
Subtrims are likely to be different.
Suggestions for changes over the defaults:
Change the Endpoint values for Ch4 to -60 and + 60. This will turn down
the Piro rate of the Tail.
Change the AFR for Ch6 (Pitch) to -60 to reduce total pitch range to +/-9.
Check and set this with a pitch gauge.
Change AFR for Ch5 (Gyro Gain) to 80 initially so you don't get so much
gain you get a bad tail wag. Gyro should hold pretty well w/ a max gain of 80